Garen vs Darius

Preview of my upcoming Visual Novel, "Rise of the Conqueror." Two of the strongest knights duel, only to get interrupted by a demon and promptly captured on the spot.

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Super Ace's Defeat

My short novel following a cocky and impulsive hero's attempt to escape the villain's scheme---after he suddenly finds himself stripped and helplessly bound in full-blown bondage.

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Spark in the Machine

Spark, the leader of Team Instinct, finds himself in a precarious situation after losing a battle against a member of Team Rocket.

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Pantheon Fuck Preview

Preview of my upcoming Visual Novel, "Rise of the Conqueror." Watch as the captive warrior Pantheon becomes a mere fucktoy in the demon's dungeon.

(Higher Quality) Mirrors:

Connor Gavin

"Asshole" was the first word that came to mind in describing Gavin Reed. The detective didn't make any effort to conceal his disdain for androids, even in a professional setting. "Synthetic beings that resemble humans," or "plastic pricks" as he called them. The fact that the Detroit City Police Department had installed a number of the new RK900 model "Connor" vexed him greatly.

Another incident at the Eden club was just more ammunition for his cause. But at this point, no other office was enticed by the idea of spending the entire evening investing the crime scene with his grumpy attitude complaining about all the "dancing sex robots" at the place of the scene. "Fine then," Gavin scoffed. If nobody wanted to partner up with him, he wasn't gonna make a fuss. After all, they did have disposable partners now.

Even Connor picked up on the miserable position he had been put in as he got into the police cruiser with Reed.

Malzahar Tentacles

Malzahar stuck with some salacious tentacles in the Void, unable to escape with every limb stuck and hole filled. Image version:

Pantheon Fight Preview

Preview of my upcoming Visual Novel, "Rise of the Conqueror." Fight against the mighty Pantheon as the Darkin Varus, and watch the stoic warrior get tied up at the demon's mercy.

(Higher Quality) Mirrors:


Debonair Malzahar - Don't cover them up

[Click to Enlarge]

Debonair Malzahar stripped and tied up, for the "Don't cover them up, slut" meme.

Alternate versions:

Shen & Zed - Dungeon

 Shen finding himself at the mercy of Zed as his new slave



Yoru and Phoenix

[Click to Enlarge]

It was a partnered assignment from the Valorant agency. Despite bantering and bickering, Yoru and Phoenix still partnered up a lot in spite of their indifferences. They had a certain 'chemistry' as some would call it. "Ugh... get a room already."

But despite their bratty romance, both agents were extremely good at what they do and could pull off miracles. Yoru was cold and calculated while Phoenix was impatient and reckless. In practice, Phoenix drew their attention and created the openings necessary for Yoru to clean up.

Only this time, they both messed up. Phoenix let an enemy walk up behind and knock him out cold. "That idiot," Yoru cursed reactively and gave himself away. When they came to it, both of the agents found themselves among the 'merchandise' they had been sent to rescue.

Stripped of all their armor, restrained with thick rubber robe and fixed in an befitting position face to face unable to say a word with two red ball-gags adoring their big mouths. "WHA-ph t-mh FU-mh."